Well, here it is mid-January and I'm just now posting Christmas pictures. In my defense, though, we didn't get to celebrate with my side of the family until last weekend. Regardless, it was a wonderful season! We did a lot of baking, which was fun since Benjamin could actually help with it this year for the first time. I ended up spending a lot of time at the sewing machine, too, since Benjamin decided to ask Santa for something that didn't actually exist. The ONLY thing he wanted from Santa was a Warehouse Mouse doll from the Imagination Movers show. Go figure -- the one thing Disney doesn't sell. So, I took to the sewing machine and made up the best replica I could come up with. Thankfully it was a hit, as was the castle that fits over our kitchen table (those of you who remember the Dragon Slayer post back a couple months ago will get the relevance of this). We also got to celebrate Christmas with both of our families, which was a big part of what made it so special. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season -- here's to a fantastic 2011!