Last month, I packed up the family into the RV and we drove to Missouri for 10 days. It was a wonderful trip filled with campgrounds, my high school reunion, lots of choo-choos, and most importantly, several days staying with my sister on her new farm. My sister and her family moved away from Colorado last summer, and we haven't been able to see each other since. We had SO much fun, and boy was that a loud house for a few days! Six boys all under the age of 6 makes for some busy parents, but it was such a wonderful chaos that none of us would have changed a thing. We got to ride the tractor around their beautiful property, explore the old barn, meet their adorable goats, catch fireflies, set off fireworks, and just spend lots of special time together. It ended up raining most of the time that we were there, so unfortunately we didn't get to do as much exploration of their land as we had hoped, but it was still a great time. Finally on the last night the rain let up long enough for us to get a few photos was a quick session, but it was a fun one!

The goats! "Little Black," "Little blue," "Little Green..." you get the pattern. These guys were so much fun, and boy can they EAT!
Little John, sweet as can be!
My sister with all four of her boys!
Sweet, sweet Timothy. How could you resist those eyes?
The Three Amigos! Timothy, Nathanael, and Peter had all gone to their first rodeo the week before we arrived, so they were in full cowboy mode the whole time we were there.
I'm still a little surprised I didn't smuggle this little guy into the RV and bring him home with us! :)
After we finished our session, we headed back to the house. As we were passing their spot for the future garden, one of my nephews found himself stuck up to his ankles in mud. When his brother went to rescue him, he got stuck, too! By the time it was all said and done, everyone had waded out into the mud, gotten stuck, fallen down, and been pulled out. I'd be lying if I said there wasn't some playing in the mud, was the perfect way to end a great visit!