Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Sweet Baby Kinsley, 6 Days New

Now this is a beautiful baby! Meet Kinsley, quite possibly the most wide-awake 6-day old baby I've ever met! She clearly didn't want to miss a thing for her first-ever modeling session. :) I loved how inquisitively she just stared at the camera every time I was trying to get pictures of her. She wasn't just awake, she was truly studying everything around her and taking it all in. And the SMILES! She was smiling up a storm for her mommy and daddy -- it was so fun to watch! She eventually gave in to the yawns and decided to take a short catnap so we could get some sleepy pictures of her, too.

You can tell her mommy and daddy are just as smitten with her as she is with them -- they are already amazing parents! Congratulations, Cody and Rachel -- I hope you love your sneak peek! 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful baby and family, and pictures to cherish the moments.
